Sponsored  December 7, 2020  Peggy Carouthers

Gary Nader to Sell Botero’s “Girasoles After van Gogh”

Weekly Sealed Bid Offer on a Masterpiece private sale kicks off December 7.
Gary Nader Art Centre

Fernando Botero’s “Girasoles After van Gogh” (1970).


This December, Gary Nader Art Centre will host weekly private art sales, beginning with a Sealed Bid Offer on a Masterpiece, which will run from December 7–12 on the Gary Nader website. The first sale will feature Fernando Botero’s “Girasoles After van Gogh” (1970).

Born in Medellín, Colombia, in 1932, the artist is best known for paintings and sculptures in his signature style, “Boteroism,” which featured subjects that are often enlarged and rounded. Botero is also known for recreating classic works of art, such as Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” (1503), Diego Velázquez’s “Las Meninas” (1656), and Jan van Eyck’s “Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife,” better known as “the Arnolfini Portrait” (1434). However, in each painting, Botero has reimagined the subjects in this signature style with plump forms so large they seem to barely be contained within the borders of the image.

Gary Nader Art Centre

Fernando Botero’s “Girasoles After van Gogh” (1970).

Here, in “Girasoles,” van Gogh’s sunflowers are no different. Botero has taken the familiar, iconic shapes of the flowers and enlarged them—and the vase that contains them—so that while the source is recognizable, it is made totally new, calling on viewers to give both the original image and Botero’s interpretation further consideration.

“It is a rare masterpiece from Botero’s best period,” says Gary Nader, founder of Gary Nader Art Centre. “It’s very well painted and unique in composition. It’s also very large and in mint condition.”

Botero’s “Girasoles After van Gogh,” is painted in oil on canvas and measures 98 x 71 inches, or 248.9 x180.3 centimeters.

By auctioning the work as a sealed offer, Nader says his team can offer bidders more privacy and hopes it gives collectors more time to study and appreciate the work before placing their bids. The art center also hopes that its buying process and more than 40 years of experience will also improve the buyers’ experience.

“As one of the very few galleries that buys works before we offer them, we hope to give buyers more confidence,” Nader says. “This is a new way of offering great masterpieces that we select through a very rigorous professional process. We will offer only very unique fresh works that only very knowledgeable collectors will appreciate.”

The work is available to view at Gary Nader Art Centre in Miami, Florida, by appointment only. Gary Nader will welcome bids on Botero’s “Girasoles After van Gogh” starting at a $2,000,000 minimum price. All offers will be considered irrevocable at the time of submission.

If equal bids are received, collectors will be notified of a second bidding round, which will be held another day. Interested collectors must submit registration forms and offers to info@garynader.com. Only offers registered and confirmed by phone will be approved.

To learn more about the sale or Botero’s “Girasoles After van Gogh,” visit the Gary Nader website.

About the Author

Peggy Carouthers

Peggy Carouthers is a writer, editor, and custom content manager based in California. She enjoys creative writing and learning about art and literature. She is passionate about connecting companies with audiences.

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