Museum  December 15, 2017  Chandra Noyes

National Gallery Victoria Opens Triennial

Courtesy the artist and NGV

Einat Amir, Coming Soon Near You, 2011 installation at the Dallas Contemporary Art Center.

The National Gallery of Victoria's Triennial open in Melbourne, Australia this weekend. A "celebration of contemporary art and design practice," the Triennial brings in over 100 artists from around the world. Installed across the museum's diverse galleries, the Triennial creates a dialogue between the new visiting works and the museum's collection.

In addition to works from a wide range of artistic practices, the exhibition has an academic component in Triennial Voices, an impressive editorial project in conjunction with the University of Melbourne. This collection of essays, videos, and podcasts all touch on the five Triennial themes: time, virtual, change, movement and body. Through this array of personal expressions, Triennial Voices seeks to create a global dialogue of human experiences.

An installation by Jerusalem-born artist Einat Amir makes visitors a part of the art. For Coming Soon Near You (pictured above), visitors are invited to bring their favorite video to watch in the museum. The artist has installed a living room set in the gallery, mimicking the comforts of home. Watching a video of personal significance in a public space "explores human interactions, shares universal moments of family, friends and community, and collapses the boundaries between private and public."


For the Triennial the NGV has commissioned a large hand-tufted rug by artist Alexandra Kehayoglou, titled Santa Cruz River 2016–17, detailed in the video above. Other notable works include installations by Ron Mueck and Yayoi Kusama.

Featuring a full program calendar of talks by artists, designers, and architects, the NGV Triennial is free and open to the public through April, 2018.

About the Author

Chandra Noyes

Chandra Noyes is the former Managing Editor for Art & Object.

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