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There are many concerns and issues that surround the use of genuine ancient coins in commercial retail. For one, there is the issue of availability and authenticity. Ancient coins tend to be found either as sporadic discoveries on archaeological sites or in large caches, called hoards. Hoards can contain thousands of coins at once and have produced no small percentage of the coins we have today.
The title of sculptor Mel Kendrick’s exhibition “Seeing Things in Things” at the Parrish Museum in Water Mill, New York is particularly apt. At 73 years old, Kendrick is famous for taking things apart, reassembling the fragments, and then reapplying them to create composite sculptures, letting his materials be his guide. He is what he does.
This list includes Indigenous artists, groups, and galleries from across the world. From the Australia-based Kate Owen Gallery which exclusively showcases Aboriginal Art in a traditional gallery setting to the Native American Kiowa/Choctaw visual artist and filmmaker Steven Paul Judd, this list features more than a wide range of account types.
The title creation process for abstract art can be fascinating. Sometimes titles are chosen by a family member, agent, or gallery.
Artists, art historians, and art lovers, in general, are known for having impeccable taste and an eye for detail.
While Rembrandt and Vermeer remain perhaps the most famous painters of the era, there are a plentitude of other Dutch Golden Age artists worth remembering.
To escape the gloom and chill of the seasonal shift, you’ll find these seven films offer something to suit every taste.
Many famous paintings have gone by different names over the years. And the reasons as to why this has happened can be fascinating.
Archaeology is a field that is constantly producing new and exciting finds, yet most people may not realize that many actually come from beneath the surface of the world’s many oceans, seas, rivers, and lakes. 
Ahead of ars publicata's launch on October 27th, Art & Object got an exclusive sneak peak into the mind of its CEO and co-founder, Pauline Schellmann.
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