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In 1918 the Spanish Flu ravaged the world. But it was also in 1918 that Alfred Stieglitz was afflicted by love and began his nude photographs of Georgia O’Keeffe.
Looking to become an art journalist? Art & Object's youngest contributor reveals how she went from recent art grad to writing about art professionally. She reveals her story and some tips for success in her podcast An Obsessive Nature.
To describe the global effects of COIVD-19 as “game-changing” would be putting it lightly. But that’s how famed street artist Banksy is shedding light on one of the more subtle cultural shifts resulting from coronavirus.
Many artists have taken inspiration from this war with contagion and decided to contribute to the hygiene awareness campaigns in their countries and beyond.
At 355 years old, Johannes Vermeer's iconic Girl with a Pearl Earring still has secrets to reveal.
When a small Dutch museum reported that a precious Vincent van Gogh painting was stolen from their galleries in a raid overnight, authorities were left scrambling for clues.
In the decades since its completion in 1970, Robert Smithson’s massive work has become the most famous work of Land Art in the world.
These incredible images, representing the best in photojournalism from around the world, are stunning for their technical and artistic skill, as well as the stories they tell.
The year 2020 was shaping up to be a watershed moment in the career of New Jersey-born Brooklyn-based quilt artist Bisa Butler.
In the wake of our global pandemic crisis, Etsy has exploded with coronavirus-related goods: there are nearly 25,000 items under the tag “social distancing.” Whether your needs are more practical or fashionable, Etsy probably has what you’re looking for.
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