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Forget the "idle" pyramids of Egypt and the "useless" temples of Greece, the aqueducts of ancient Rome are the "most marvelous structures in the whole world." So claimed Roman writers in the 1st century AD.
One of the most popular museums in the US, the J. Paul Getty Museum averages almost 2 million visitors a year.
Banksy shared a new work of art yesterday, showing us what he has been up to while quarantined.
For the 96th year, the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation has awarded its coveted grants to the best and brightest artists and scholars in the US and Canada.
Within the last month, the world has dramatically shifted due to COVID-19, greatly affecting businesses across the world, including the art market.
In the latest addition to the United States Postal Service’s (USPS) colorful cultural offerings, Ruth Asawa’s intricate wire sculptures are to grace stamps later this year.
Museums, foundations race to prop up art world in face of $100 million in projected lost revenue due to COVID-19
Corrie and Nat discuss the famously mysterious, Stonehenge. This Prehistoric structure is both a monument and an earthwork. It is shrouded in mystery and surrounded by theories–the biggest of which may be "how did they do it?!" Listen to this BB episode to hear our thoughts.
Michelangelo, Van Gogh, and Picasso have been alluring subjects for filmmakers throughout the history of cinema. Artists of far lesser stature have also inspired filmmakers over the years. Some are deserving of our attention while others are better left “undiscovered.” Here are a few examples that may surprise you and further ignite your curiosity to explore their legacy.
With the help of a two-wheeled robot named the Double, up to five people can ride along with the videoconferencing bot as it peruses the galleries.
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