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Elizabeth Otto's new book painstakingly details how the Bauhaus was much more than a design-centric school.
In collaboration with the New Museum, the publisher Phaidon recently released Nari Ward: We The People, a book that critically examines the work of one of the world's most important living artists.
A previously unknown study by celebrated Austrian artist Egon Schiele (1890–1918), valued at $100,000 to $200,000, was discovered by an anonymous part-time art handler at a Habitat for Humanity ReStore in Queens.
Landscape with Three Trees, Rembrandt’s largest etched landscape, a masterful combination of technical virtuosity and skillful composition, was recently acquired by the Princeton University Art Museum, which holds 70 of the 300 prints Rembrandt created during his long career.
We sat down, virtually speaking, with Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) founder and President Paula Wallace to talk about art education, and how her life changed directions when she founded SCAD in 1978.
Installed in between the vertical steel slats of a section of border wall in Sunland Park, New Mexico were several bright pink see-saws, inviting residents on either side to engage in a few moments of play.
Last week a group of foundations came together to ensure the preservation of an important trove of American history.
The Art History Babes provide an intro to Ancient Greek Kouroi and Korai statues and throw out some bizarre theories about what the Peplos Kore actually held—an arrow? An apple? The universe? Listen and find out.
Filmmaker and art connoisseur John Waters has just two words for would-be art collectors: Monkey Art. If you aim to invest in today’s overheated art market, he says in a new book, primate paintings are the way to go. “Only one collectible art movement from the past hasn’t been reinvented, hoarded, or parodied,” he writes. “Want to speculate in the art market? I’m telling you what to buy–monkey art. Yes, paintings by chimpanzees.”
When Italian university student Piergiorgio Castellani booked his winter-break holiday in New York in 1988, he expected to see major artworks in museums–not major living artists walking nonchalantly down the street.
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