art history

If you ever find yourself driving coast to coast across the United States, you’ll likely spend a good few hours cutting along the vast cornfields and flat farmlands of the midwest…

Here are 10 ways to embody art this Halloween.

Upon hearing the word “orange,” what comes to mind first— the color or…

“Tattoo. Tales from the Mediterranean” is a captivating exhibition currently on display at the MUDEC— the Museum of Cultures in Milan, Italy— that invites visitors to investigate…

With the solar eclipse expected on April 8, we're feeling the importance of the sun. Here's a brief look at the sun as a symbol throughout art history.
Towards the end of May 2022, a thirty-six-year-old man appeared to smear cake and icing across the lower half of the legendary Mona Lisa. Read on for more information about this attempted vandalism…
Santa Claus hasn’t always been the jolly, red-suited, rotund, grandfatherly gift-giver with a reindeer-drawn sleigh we all know. Here’s a look at how art has reflected the changing face (and…