Cynthia Close

Vasilis Zografos' pale, warm, clay-colored objects from some ill-defined cultural past seem to be suspended on softly muted blue-grey-green backgrounds, reinforcing the idea that these objects are…
Far from facing extinction, there is a resurgent interest in books made by artists as well as publishers specializing in books about art.
Although revered by his contemporaries, Jackson Pollock and Willem de Kooning, the fiercely independent Hyman Bloom was relegated to the sidelines due in part to his mystical nature and reticence to…
All heads turned and smiles lit up the room as two athletic Weimaraners, Flo and Topper, bounded excitedly through the crowd followed by their guru, famed artist/photographer, William Wegman. The…
Michelle Finamore, the Museum of Fine Arts Boston’s Penny Vinik Curator of Fashion Arts, explores the rich history of gender in fashion in a tradition-disrupting exhibition, now on view. For a museum…
The rising curves of the Adirondack Mountains become a repeated motif in the early 20th century landscape paintings of Harold Weston (1894-1974), now featured in a career spanning solo exhibition at…
“Miniatures offer changes of scale by which we measure ourselves anew,” writes Lia Purpura, in her essay On Miniatures, which reminds us small artworks have an outsized impact on our sense of who we…
These eight inspirational artists have found the motivation to create, every day, year after year, into their eighth decade or further, and are still inventing new ways to see the world.