Danielle Vander Horst

For many first-time visitors, there is a special kind of excitement that accompanies seeing a famous archaeological monument or work of art in person.

Ever since their construction, the monuments and structures of ancient Rome have amazed and astounded their viewers with their grandeur and the ingenuity of…

The Acropolis of Athens is often seen as a symbol of the city’s ancient and wonderous past. The Parthenon, constructed in the 5

The ancient Greek body is perhaps one of the most recognizable and influential forms in art history.

Problems of gender inequity have plagued academia since its inception with women being discouraged or outright barred from learning and practicing different…

For over five thousand years, the art of

There are many concerns and issues that surround the use of genuine ancient coins in commercial retail. For one, there is the issue of availability and authenticity. Ancient coins tend to be found…
Archaeology is a field that is constantly producing new and exciting finds, yet most people may not realize that many actually come from beneath the surface of the world’s many oceans, seas, rivers,…