At Large

Portraits intend to be reflections of their subjects’ character, placing William Orpen’s

The story of the Last Supper is a pivotal one in the Bible and Christians view it as the basis for the Holy Communion rite. Leonardo da Vinci’s fresco adorns a wall of the refectory at Santa Maria…

In 1962, a new hire for WED Enterprises, later known as the Disney Imagineers, was given her first task: to create and

Jeffrey Deitch is rapidly becoming a fan favorite at Art Basel Miami Beach where last year he showed works by Rammellzee,

One of the greatest artists of the medieval Northern Renaissance, iconoclastic Netherlander

New York City will always be a global art center with institutions, public projects, museums, and galleries that offer a breadth of artists and artworks that changes constantly. This December, there…
These eight artists bent the rules when branding themselves. Although they worked across two centuries, all chose to adopt their mother’s family names instead of abiding by the traditional patriarchy…