contemporary art

There is plenty of art ABOUT space, but this video explores art ACTUALLY IN space. Learn about cosmonauts sketching orbital sunrises, the Moon Museum, Carl Sagan's Golden Record, and the sculptures…

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” 
― George Bernard Shaw

The Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) presents The Invisible Man and the Masque of Blackness, marking the artist Zak Ové’s first solo exhibition in Los Angeles.

LOS ANGELES—The Museum of Contemporary Art has acquired a performance piece titled In Just a Blink of an Eye by Chinese artist Xu Zhen. The work will be on view at MOCA’s Grand Avenue…

Opening the fall art season each September, EXPO CHICAGO hosts leading international art galleries presented alongside one of the highest quality platforms for global contemporary art and culture…

Let’s talk about BIG ART. In this super-sized episode, Nat, Jen and Gin discuss art on a large-scale. From the tallest file cabinet in the world, to the eerie work of Ron Mueck, this episode deals…
Combining landscape photography with psychedelic colors, Terri Loewenthal creates striking photographic works evoking the wild soul of nature, now on view at Jackson Fine Art in Atlanta, GA.

Madison, Wis. – In his diverse practice, Sanford Biggers encourages meaningful dialogue around narratives in American history. On view at the Chazen Museum of Art June 28-Sept. 22, 2019,