contemporary art

"Alexander Heinrici, Andy Warhol’s favourite silkscreen printer reveals the special skills that have led many of the biggest names in post-war American art to seek him out, and explains why he…

"Nero Plastica L.A. is one of the boldest expressions of 1960s abstraction. As the largest work from Burri’s brilliant Nero Plastica series, it is emblematic of the artist’s masterly manipulation…

"Five vibrant works that reveal the artistic development of Willem de Kooning over time will be offered in the Contemporary Art Day Sale on 17 November in New York. These milestone works come from…

"Over the past decade, Middle Eastern art has gained increasing recognition on the international stage and has begun to capture the attention of Asian collectors. Two Moderns from the Middle East…

"Howard Hodgkin’s London home was like stepping into one of his most vibrant paintings." - Sotheby's

"This month, Tim Marlow, artistic director of London’s Royal Academy of Arts, chooses four exhibitions to see in New York, Basel, Paris, and St Ives." - Sotheby's

New Haven - The Yale University Art Gallery is pleased to present Artists in Exile: Expressions of Loss and Hope, a novel investigation of the experience of exile in the…