
Glass artist Jonathan Michael Davis was forced to navigate the changing context of a 2019 airport commission—for which he designed coronal sculptures—when COVID arrived. “What began as an initial…

Sightings of Barbara Kruger’s work in New York City have been somewhat scarce since her last exhibition in 2018 at Mary Boone Gallery (which permanently closed…

From community-minded installations, documentary photographs, confrontational mixed-media sculptures, to hyper-realist paintings, the following works force us to reconsider what basketball is on a…
Sarah Sze has created public art for display in New York City before, but never of this magnitude: a 50-foot-tall, five-ton constellation of images of the city she loves, in the newly-revamped…
Perhaps in an effort to address the scandal, this year’s projects cover wide-ranging social and environmental issues, exploring “themes of land rights and ownership, the desert as a border, migration…
Here are 10 opportunities to be “in the moment” with art.
Alaina Boukedes, a guest specialist in MoMA's Department of Visitor Engagement, talks about the “unpredictability” of her favorite piece in the MoMA, Philippe Parreno’s installation Echo.
World-class artist Chiharu Shiota’s magnificent two-story-high artwork leads visitors through winding tunnels made from 3,750 balls of black wool.