
In her Brooklyn studio, Dana Schutz imagines the moment when a painting becomes “more than just material, and more than just a picture.” She describes how her paintings begin as absurd moments and…

In this episode of Anatomy of an Artwork, immerse yourself in the history and details of Rembrandt’s monumental painting 'The Night Watch’. Perhaps the most celebrated painting of the Dutch Golden…

In the dynamic world of 18th-century Europe, people, ideas, and artistic styles crossed national boundaries. Filled with masterful, opulent, and at times playful paintings and furnishings, salons…

"What attracted the Pre-Raphaelites to Alfred Tennyson’s poem ‘The Lady of Shalott’? And how did the convex mirror from van Eyck’s ‘Arnolfini Portrait’ come to play an essential role in their…

"Xavier F. Salomon, Peter Jay Sharp Chief Curator at The Frick Collection, provides an introduction to the current exhibition, 'Veronese in Murano: Two Venetian Renaissance Masterpieces Restored…

"Alexander Heinrici, Andy Warhol’s favourite silkscreen printer reveals the special skills that have led many of the biggest names in post-war American art to seek him out, and explains why he…

"Five vibrant works that reveal the artistic development of Willem de Kooning over time will be offered in the Contemporary Art Day Sale on 17 November in New York. These milestone works come from…