New York, NY

In the ancient burial ground at Saqqara, Egypt, one animal cemetery alone has yielded over four million individual ibis mummies. And the nearby dog cemetery contained over seven million mummies,…

"Artist and activist Jimmie Durham (b. 1940) has worked as a visual artist, performer, essayist, and poet for more than forty-five years. A political organizer for the American Indian Movement…

For more than twenty years, Los Angeles–based artist Laura Owens has pioneered an innovative—and at times controversial—approach to painting that has made her one of the most influential artists…

Sol LeWitt (American, 1928–2007) executed drawings by hand throughout his life; in 1968 he extricated his work from the confines of the frame and transferred it directly to the wall. The wall…

The legacy of the enduringly popular American artist Frederic Remington (1861–1909), chronicler par excellence of the American West, will be presented through some 20 paintings, sculptures, works…

The Burdick collection of baseball cards constitutes an integral part of The Metropolitan Museum of Art's collection of ephemera and tells the history of popular printmaking in the United States.…

This installation highlights a great strength of The Met collection—arts of the late 19th-century Anglo-American Aesthetic movement. Featuring a range of art furniture, ceramics, stained glass,…

Being reborn in one of the heavens inhabited by a living Buddha offered a clear path to enlightenment for Himalayan Buddhist communities. Vairochana, the emanation of the historic Buddha…