contemporary art

The result is a series of large-scale canvases as well as sketches and drawings for his art debut, Gene Simmons ArtWorks at Animazing Gallery at ...
Paper Cuts is a group show, guest curated by Alexander Deschamps, that brings together artists from multiple backgrounds and disciplines. This group of artists are glued together by a common interest…
From September 9 - 12, New York City was abuzz with the return of the Armory Show and Independent, two of the most prominent fairs in the industry. Fall is traditionally the busiest season for the…

Here is a rundown of the wealthiest artists in the world. Some people on the list may surprise you!

This major exhibition features the cosmopolitan, exuberant and subtly subversive work of fifteen artists of Asian heritage who are adept at crossing borders—not only physical ones but also those in…
The forthcoming exhibition explores common approaches shared between Japanese and Scandinavian visual cultures. The show will feature 39 contemporary fiber and ceramic artists from Denmark, Finland,…
Art & Object interviewed one of the finalists, the British architect, artist, and activist Sofia Karim, and asked what this nomination means for her.
“There has never before been a period of greater accessibility, and greater opportunity for the people of any given culture to learn directly from one another,” says Susanna Ferrell, Wynn Resorts…