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A golf course in Ohio is now part of a UNESCO World Heritage site, because the Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks, a series of eight monumental earthen constructions created between 2,000 and 1,600 years ago, is situated on the property.
Among the many great exhibitions opening across the country this fall, here are ten the editors of Art & Object are particularly eager to see.
Timed with the premiere of 'Lee,' a movie all about the life and career of war photographer Lee Miller, at the Toronto Film Festival, photographer Annie Leibovitz recreated the famous photo of Miller in Hitler's bathtub, featuring Kate Winslet (the star of the film).
The premier contemporary art museum connects students and local communities with internationally celebrated artists through dynamic exhibitions and events.
Born on New Year’s Eve in 1869, Henri Matisse became one of the most influential French painters of the 20th century. Here are 10 surprising facts about the life of Henri Matisse.
At its peak, the Roman empire controlled over 5 million square kilometers stretching from the British Isles down to Northern Africa, and across the Mediterranean to the Persian Gulf, territories that today house some of the world’s major cities. Here are five cities beyond Italy where you can see extraordinary ancient Roman ruins.
Truly great films can be hard to come by, especially with the endless options afforded by streaming platforms these days. That's why Art & Object is bringing you this curated list of top options.
This fall, over one hundred works from the collection of art patron Emily Fisher Landau will come to auction at Sotheby’s where they are estimated to bring in over $400 million.
While photo restrictions have been lifted on Pablo Picasso's famed Guernica at the Reina Sofia Museum, this permission may stifle quiet contemplation.
Hauser & Wirth's newest gallery in New York is solely dedicated to prints and editions along with its publishing arm, Hauser & Wirth Publishers, an eclectic bar, and a small amphitheater for panels and lectures.
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