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Two more victims of the 79 AD Mount Vesuvius eruption were discovered on August 12th, amidst rumors that pop-icon Madonna would be celebrating her 66th birthday at the historical site’s amphitheater, Teatro Grande. The two bodies, belonging to a man and woman of an undisclosed age, had been inside a small sealed room during the restoration of the home. 
Ranked as one of the best Historic Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in America, Howard University is often referred to as “The Harvard of HBCUs.” Established in 1867, Howard is one of 101 HBCUs in the United States and offers undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees in over 120 programs.
For the past eight days, street artist and political activist Banksy has been unveiling a new piece of art on his official Instagram page. These works are a part of an animal-themed series and are popping up all across London.
The act of writing, drawing, painting, or simply marking up the walls of a public structure is better known today as graffiti.
Fine art photographer Diane Allison managed to stop summertime with her camera. In a salute to the season, she captured quintessential macro moments and digitized her images with her own brand of photographic fairy dust.
San Francisco-based artist Chelsea Ryoko Wong and her multi-colored paintings might mark the close of Jessica Silverman’s summer season, but their figurations are a timeless reminder of what it feels like to remain in a “summer state of mind.” 
The first thing to know about Matthew Barney’s new project, SECONDARY, is that it has been divided into four parts. Each is being shown respectively at Regen Projects (LA) commencement, Galerie Max Hetzler (Paris) object impact, Sadie Coles HQ (London) light lens parallax, and Gladstone Gallery (NY) object replay. 
Mary Cassatt’s oil painting, Little Girl in a Blue Armchair, was rejected for the Paris Exposition of 1878. Cassatt later said that the rejection was “by a jury of three people, of which one was a pharmacist!” Her good friend, Edgar Degas, approved of the painting and had even advised her about the background light from the far window.
Six monumental busts will be exhibited in the courtyard of the Church of St. George of the Greeks (San Giorgio dei Greci) and The Hellenic Institute of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Studies of Venice 
Sculpture gardens are outdoor spaces that unify art and nature, allowing visitors to slow down and reflect while immersing themselves in a creative environment. We’ve chosen six sculpture parks and gardens all across New England that best exhibit the art that the Earth has to offer, alongside man made creations. 
Art and Object Marketplace - A Curated Art Marketplace