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In 1907, the Swiss painter Félix Vallotton made a portrait of Gertrude Stein.
In the past year, artificial intelligence (AI) has not only become more powerful, it has become highly accessible. One recent online trend, made possible by the AI-based phone app Lensa AI, has led to a wave of "original" portraits being shared across social media.
Pioneering pointillist and founding Neo-Impressionist Georges Seurat (1859-1891) painted one of the most recognizable and reproduced paintings in the world: A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte
2022 was a year filled with exciting art exhibitions, new museums, and historic discoveries. Join us in bidding this year goodbye with a recap of some of our most read stories. We hope you enjoy, and we look forward to covering more art stories in the new year! 
To the casual observer, Rome is not a medieval city.
Considered a founder of Impressionism, Edgar Degas actually disliked the label, preferring Realist or Independent. Best known for his paintings and bronze sculptures, Degas was also a printmaker and photographer.
For many, the term “printmaking” may conjure images of Enlightenment-era political cartoons or perhaps a Renaissance printing press, but printmaking is one of the oldest human art forms.
Every December we share some of our favorite artworks throughout the year. These 11 artworks and objects kept our entire team engaged and excited about the art world, and the daily work of covering it for our dear readers in 2022.
Portraits intend to be reflections of their subjects’ character, placing William Orpen’s self-portraits in the extraordinary position of being extensions of his identity.
If your tastes in art run toward the intricately detailed, you’ll find a lot to like in the Guggenheim’s retrospective of Nick Cave, an artist whose sculptures and reliefs are forested with trinkets, beads, figurines, and other bric-a-brac reclaimed from life’s lost and found.
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